Passover Crafts: Frog Finger Puppets

The 10 Plagues are a big part of Passover for kids. They are absolutely fascinated by them and they really help them to connect to the holiday. I clearly remember my kids coming home from school when they were little and singing a song about the Frogs that went like this:

One morning when Pharoah woke in his bed
There were frogs in his bed and frogs on his head
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere
Even in his underwear (This line is not actually taught in school but passed down though the generation by older siblings)

Having a few physical examples of the 10 Plagues at your seder is a great way to keep the kids engaged. These frogs are easy to make and I think they are also very cute. T10 made the one on the left all by herself. I know that D7 could make this with a little bit of supervision and I'm sure that even younger kids would be capable of doing this with some help from a grown up!

Green felt
Black embroidery thread
Googaly eyes
Tacky glue or a hot glue gun
Pattern for the frog

1. Print out this pattern and cut it out

2. Cut out 2 pieces of felt and lay them on top of each other. Pin the pattern to the felt and cut out the frog

3. Sew around the out side of the frogs leaving the bottom un-sewed.

4. Glue on the eyes


rosy123 said…
Je vais profiter de cet été pour faire tout ca ! Bref tout ca pour te dire merci pour tous ces conseils !!
discount voyance

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