Vote For Me!

For those of you who know me well you know how much I hate social networking. It's kinda of become a thing with me. I take pride in the fact that I'm not a (and please excuse this expression) blog ho. I am an anti- promoter. In fact if I could find a way to have less readers I actually might consider it!

For some crazy reason someone put me on the Circle of Moms list to vote for the top 25 NYC mom blogs. When I checked out the other blogs I was totally surprised at how professional looking they are. I think some of them even make their writers money! So since I am in such good company I would love if you all could take a minute and vote for me. Here's the link:

Vote Here!


Fashion-isha said…
hi I just found this blog andI love finding other Jewish bloggers! I see you've been doing this for a while and your content looks amazing! I'm pretty new at it and would love for you to stop by and let me know what you think. I have a modest fashion and lifestyle blog and I'm a Jewish mom of 5. Nice to meet you!
Hi Fashion-isha,

Great blog! I too am a Fashion-ish although you probably can't tell from my blog content. I am on a perpetual search for cool yet modest clothing! One of these days I will hopefully get to a post on fashion and modesty.

Nicolas Brown said…
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