Gourmet: How to Avoid Baby Formula

I just read this great article in Gourmet magazine The Kid's Menu: How to Avoid Baby Formula by Leslie Porcelli. It totally makes sense that an article about breast feeding would appear in Gourmet magazine. Gourmet is about the finest food. What is the finest food for an infant? Breastmilk. After all as the author states "Formula was concocted in a lab!".

The author talks about her experience of having formula pushed on her by the manufactures. She recieved free samples in the mail and bought maternity clothing that came with formula samples. Two nurses who were advising her on breastfeeding come complete with formula swag given to them by formula salesmen. One was wearing a a similac pen around her neck and the other one is holding an enfamil clip board (of course they did not give her accurate breastfeeding information).

In the end her baby is exclusivly breastfed through her perserverence and a lactation consultant who knows what she's doing. My favorite line in the article is when she writes "I had been cooking from scratch for way too many years to give my infant meal relacement shakes". How eloquently stated.


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