Reusable Snack Bags For Purim Mishloach Manot
It's hard to believe but Purim is less than 2 weeks away. That also means that we have only a month and a half till Pesach (Passover) but that's another story! For the girl's Mishloach Manot (small gifts of food you give to friends on Purim) we decided to make reusable snack bags. I wanted pick something that my girls could actually make and these easy bags, very much inspired by this angry chicken tutorial, fit the bill. These are good for beginers (like me and the girls!) because they do not need to be perfect to look good.
I like that the bags are small so we won't be contributing too much to the massive amount of cookies and candies that kids get each year! By the way this fabric is printed with the actual map of the New York City subway map. It is available at
1. First cut 16 inches off your yardage with a rotary cutter. Each yard will make 10 bags.
2. Then cut that in to pieces (above) that are 7 inches wide using a rotary cutter fitted with a pinking blade.
3. If you just want to make one bag just cut one 7 inch by 16 inch piece of fabric using the regular rotary cutter for the top and bottom and the pinking rotary cutter for the sides. Of course you could always use a scissors and pinking shears.
4. Make a 1/2 inch hem on the top and the bottom of the fabric. To do this first fold over 1/2 inch of the fabric and iron the crease and then fold it over one more time and iron the crease again. When you are finished there will be no raw edges showing. Then sew across. I made the hem 1/2 inch so the girls would have more area to sew the seam but you could make a smaller seam if you want to.
5. With the good side of the fabric facing up fold down about 2 inches of the fabric.6. Pull up the bottom of the fabric so it met with the top piece of the fabric and we sewed both the left and right sides creating a little pouch
7. Flip it right side out and flip over the flap.
And I think the fabric, with the map of the NYC subway, you used is so cool!!
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