A Good Breakfast

I remember clearly writing down the instructions for my oat pancakes right before R was born. I wanted to make sure that Z would still be able to have his favorite breakfast after I gave birth to his sister. He alternated the pancakes with french toast and eggs for breakfast back then. As our family grew and life got busier those nutritious breakfast fell by the wayside and we began to eat cold cereal for breakfast.

Last fall a friend of mine who has a 4 1/2 year old and 2 year old twins was telling me about the breakfasts her family eats and it got me thinking. If she could find the time to give her family a real breakfast than I certainly could.

I started by making soaked pancakes for the kids. I make enough for 2 or 3 meals, freeze the extras and just throw them in the toaster oven for the next few days. Other breakfast foods I began to serve were fresh fruit and whole wheat sour dough bread with pastured butter, wild or organic smoked salmon and cream cheese on whole wheat sour dough bread, spelt soaked muffins (I will post the recipe as soon as I get a chance), coconut flour breakfast muffins (each one has a whole egg in it and I will post recipe when I get a chance!), soaked oatmeal, brown rice cereal and eggs.

After a month or so of feeding the kids a real breakfast I broke the news to my husband that I was no longer going to buy cold breakfast cereal. I suggested that he make some soaked oatmeal or rice cereal in the morning since he wakes up before me. He was hesitant at first but was happy to give it a try. My husband has been happily eating his cooked breakfast cereal, pancakes and eggs for a few months now and he has become a big fan of the home cooked breakfast. An added bonus for him is that he often makes some extra oatmeal for R and he has been able to enjoy that feeling of cooking something healthy for someone else!

It's definitely more work to give my family a good breakfast and it does add to that feeling that all I ever do is cook but it's a great opportunity to get some healthy food into my family before they head out to school and work.


Che said…
Dear Upper West Side Mom,

What kind of oatmeal do you use? Thanks.

Hi Che!

I use rolled oats but you can also use steel cut.

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