Clementine Crate Misloach Manot (Gift) Boxes
Each Novemeber we go crazy for clemetines and we eat and eat them until about January when we are all sick of them! Clementines usually come in wooden crates and I figured that we should keep all of our crates because I thought that they might make cute gift baskets for Purim.
After some thought we decided to cover them with craft paper and Modge Podge. I think they came out looking very crafty! This is a good project for all ages and fun for a family to do together. Below is the tutorial for them.
After some thought we decided to cover them with craft paper and Modge Podge. I think they came out looking very crafty! This is a good project for all ages and fun for a family to do together. Below is the tutorial for them.
Clementine crate
12x12 scrapbook/craft paper
Modge Podge (I used matte)
Paint brush for the Modge Podge
1. Pick the paper that you want to use to cover the crate. I used 2 different patterns that were the same color.
2. Trace the short side of the crate on one of the pieces of paper.
2. Fold over the paper and and cut out the tracing. Since you were not able to totally trace the side just imagine where the line would have extended to so that you end up with a rectangle.
3. You will end up with paper for both of the short sides.
4. Repeat with the long side EXCEPT you want to add about a quarter of an inch to the width so you will be able to fold it over the ends. This will make the crate look neater.
5. Apply Modge Podge to the long pieces and glue on to the crate. Since the paper will be a little bit longer on the sides just fold them over.
6. Apply Modge Podge to the shorter pieces and glue them on to the short side of the crate.
7. Wait about 10 minutes and apply a layer of Modge Podge to the paper that has been glued to the box.
8. When the Modge Podge is dry apply another layer.
9. Line with tissue paper and fill with goodies!