Spring Links
Passover has been over for almost a month now and I am finally getting back into a groove. This week was the first week that I have been able to keep up with my cooking and the kids have finally settled back into school (and waking up early!). I'm always surprised at how long it takes to "recover" from the holidays. Below are some links that I think you will find interesting.
I was pretty sure I was not going to like what I was going to read so I put this article from the NY Times Magazine section Is Sugar Toxic aside and waited until Passover was over to read it. It was so interesting that I have read it a few times since then. Needless to say I am really trying to cut down our sugar intake since reading it.
I knew there was a reason why I never bought kids pajamas that were flame retardant. This article Chemical Suspected in Cancer Is in Baby Products, also in the NY Times, explains why they are a problem.
When I was cloth diapering I made sure to have a ton of these Kissaluv wipes
around. Eventually all of mine disappeared and since I have had no one in diapers or training pants for over 3 years I had not ordered any recently. I just ordered a bunch more and I have seriously cut down on my paper towel usage since I got them.
One of my biggest eco-sins was getting a plastic bottle of Poland Spring every time I went to the gym. It's not that we don't have any water bottles at home. I just don't like the way stainless steel makes my water taste. After looking at these glass bottles with a silicone safety sleeve by Lifefactory for months I finally ordered one. What a difference the glass makes in the taste of the water.
Before Passover I bought the kids Junior Mastermind and quickly realized that we needed the regular Mastermind game. We have all been enjoying it and even D, who is now 5 1/2, can play the big kids version. There is one caveat. The games are manufactured very cheaply and are kind of junky.
My yoga teacher Lisa Langer has a 10 minute yoga video called Zen in Ten up on You Tube. It's great for beginners and for people who want to get in a little extra yoga in when they can. Lisa also teaches a yoga class in Central Park (81st and CPW entrance) on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Sundays at 10:00 AM.
I was pretty sure I was not going to like what I was going to read so I put this article from the NY Times Magazine section Is Sugar Toxic aside and waited until Passover was over to read it. It was so interesting that I have read it a few times since then. Needless to say I am really trying to cut down our sugar intake since reading it.
I knew there was a reason why I never bought kids pajamas that were flame retardant. This article Chemical Suspected in Cancer Is in Baby Products, also in the NY Times, explains why they are a problem.
When I was cloth diapering I made sure to have a ton of these Kissaluv wipes
One of my biggest eco-sins was getting a plastic bottle of Poland Spring every time I went to the gym. It's not that we don't have any water bottles at home. I just don't like the way stainless steel makes my water taste. After looking at these glass bottles with a silicone safety sleeve by Lifefactory for months I finally ordered one. What a difference the glass makes in the taste of the water.
Before Passover I bought the kids Junior Mastermind and quickly realized that we needed the regular Mastermind game. We have all been enjoying it and even D, who is now 5 1/2, can play the big kids version. There is one caveat. The games are manufactured very cheaply and are kind of junky.
My yoga teacher Lisa Langer has a 10 minute yoga video called Zen in Ten up on You Tube. It's great for beginners and for people who want to get in a little extra yoga in when they can. Lisa also teaches a yoga class in Central Park (81st and CPW entrance) on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Sundays at 10:00 AM.
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